Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sleeping Silvia

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Some new Anna Firsts

First Snowman

First Starbucks (check out the hot cocoa goatee!)
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Bathtub Baby, Cuter than Cute

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Third Birthday, Remix

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Little Ears, the continuing saga

So after Silvia's most recent ear infection (last week), we decided to have a consultation with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to see what preventive options were available.

Her appointment was today and after a hearing test and exam, the doctor recommended ear tubes. I know it's probably the right choice, since Kurt and I are both really uncomfortable with constantly giving her antibiotics and also just hate to see her in so much pain on so regular a basis. I mean, really, she's had a painful infection every month of her life since she was three months old. That pretty much sucks for her, you know?

So her surgery is scheduled for December 10th, first thing in the morning. The procedure itself is very minor, takes about 6 minutes total. The tubes they insert into her eardrum will be very, very tiny, smaller than a grain of rice. The doctor said that within half an hour of the surgery, she should be almost completely recovered. I'm still very uncomfortable with the idea of general anesthesia, but I'm dealing with it and trying to get past the mommy worry syndrome.

Candyland Magic

For Anna's birthday, Monica sent her very first board game: Candyland.

Candyland is AWESOME. It's become the solution to every possible toddler problem. Won't eat dinner? Eat three more bites and then we can play Candyland. Doesn't want to sit on the potty? As soon as you're done, we can play Candyland. Won't share toys with Silvia? Play nice and use good manners or else we WON'T play Candyland after dinner.

Anna loves this game, absolutely loves it. She is always the yellow game piece, she thinks it's so great to get a picture card even if she has to move all the way back to the beginning to go to that picture. She loves it when it's my turn or Kurt's turn or her turn. Doesn't matter, as long as someone "wins the Candy Castle", as she puts it.

Thank you, Auntie Mo! You have given us three year old magic.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Post-Birthday Post

Anna turned three last Saturday, amid tears and celebration. Tears for her, celebration for everyone else. The poor birthday girl was overwhelmed by the presents and friends and cake and presents and friends and also, the cake.

But, in spite of the tears, a good time was had by all. And now, a week later, she's fully into the Thoroughly Rotten Three's. She has been whiny and weepy and bossy and dramatic all day today. Sigh... I hear it's nice when they turn five, five is supposed to be good, right?

Still, amid all the obnoxious toddler-ness, she's still developing as a sweet little girl. She wakes up every morning and begs to see Silvia, showering her and smothering her with hugs and kisses to the point we have to separate them for fear of asphyxiation. She is coloring pictures on her own, staying roughly in the lines and drawing some shapes on her own, too.

Anna loves to sing, she sings everything as she narrates the day, even singing about the potty. Speaking of which, she is doing very well with her potty training and having very few accidents anymore. We took the changing table out of her room last week to celebrate her birthday and Big Girl status.

Silvia, poor thing, is still struggling with a bad cold that she developed two weeks ago. We're taking her into an Ear Nose and Throat specialist next week to consult on the possibilities of ear tubes to help with her recurrent ear infections.

Still, even snuffly and not sleeping well, she's a very happy baby. She's been standing on her own for a few seconds at a time lately, clapping Anna's toy cymbals together with glee like a musical monkey. She's well on her way to eating solids and seems to have a liking for strong flavors just like Anna.

All in all, the girls are good. Now we just need to get Mom a full night's sleep and an injection of patience. Out of curiosity, is there a limit the number of times you can say, "I can't understand you when you whine, if you want something you need to be polite and ask in a nice voice," before your head just starts to liquefy?

Hugs all round, hope everyone is well!