"Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Silvia's First School Day

Isn't it funny that we call daycare "school" now? Not even preschool, either. Just school, as if my one year old is going to be returned to me with a bag of homework and spouting algebra. Ah, well. It's a euphemism that makes me feel better about sending her into someone else's care for a bit. So I'll take it.
As of this week, we've got both girls enrolled at a local Lutheran preschool and childcare center every weekday morning. It's only half-day, but for me... It's a whole half day! Woohoo! I've been a bit stressed out lately so Kurt and I decided that a bit of a break was in order to keep the family in harmony.
Silvia did great for her first day. She gets dropped off in the same room as Anna, so the two of them were happily playing with no tears at the moment of parental departure. I called to check on her once that morning and they said she had been crying on and off but in between seemed to be pretty happy and having fun with all the new toys and entertainment. Oh, finger painting, how we love thee! (And how I love thine mess that is NOT in my house!)
Today is Day Two, so we'll see if she's caught on yet, but as my mom says, one week is a lifetime to a baby her age. Hopefully by next Monday she'll be totally acclimated to the new thrilling routine. The best part for me, while the free time is nice, is that I get to really enjoy being with my kids again in the afternoon. There's nothing like getting a chance to MISS them for a bit. Plus, Silvia comes home wiped out from all the playing, so she takes a nap right away. While she sleeps, I get one-on-one time with Anna, then vise versa with Silvia while Anna naps later on.
It's a breath of fresh air to start the summer off right, and I'm thankful that we are able to take such care with out kids. And with their mommy.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Just heard...
Anna: Daddy, you need to do me a favor.
Mom: Daddy's busy, what do you need?
Anna: Umm... no. I think Daddy needs to do me a favor!
Dad: What favor can I do for you, sweetie?
Anna: Clean up!
*raucous parental laughter*
Dad, (gasping): Hmm... what do you need me to clean up? Your face? Your fingers?
Anna: No! (pointing to living room full of toys) Clean up that room!
Oh, my... we tried to explain the meaning of "favor", but I think we were laughing to hard to make any sense.
Mom: Daddy's busy, what do you need?
Anna: Umm... no. I think Daddy needs to do me a favor!
Dad: What favor can I do for you, sweetie?
Anna: Clean up!
*raucous parental laughter*
Dad, (gasping): Hmm... what do you need me to clean up? Your face? Your fingers?
Anna: No! (pointing to living room full of toys) Clean up that room!
Oh, my... we tried to explain the meaning of "favor", but I think we were laughing to hard to make any sense.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
New pictures up!
I've finally gotten around to posting some pictures, more stories and updates to come. Wanna hear about the black-eye and the chipped tooth? heheeee... These poor kids, strangers are starting to look at them sympathetically...
I've finally gotten around to posting some pictures, more stories and updates to come. Wanna hear about the black-eye and the chipped tooth? heheeee... These poor kids, strangers are starting to look at them sympathetically...
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