Monday, November 24, 2008

Broken Glass

The other day, as Silvia and Anna were chasing each other like puppies through the house, Anna bumped into a table and knocked a glass vase onto the floor where it shattered in a spray of shards. I think the average adult's response to this is to step away and find a careful way of cleaning it up. Anna is neither average or an adult.

By the time I got to the scene, she had reached down and scooped up a handful of pieces and was holding them out to me in supplication. "Mommy, I broke the vase! Here!"

And me? I instinctively reached out and took the handful of glass into my own bare hands. Ouch.

We both ended up with small cuts along our palms and it could have been much worse. Best of all, I got to add to that list of things, either too obvious or too bizarre, you never think you'll say- "Never pick up broken glass! Wait for mommy and daddy, ok?"


I've had a list sitting on my desk for weeks. I jot down things that I mean to post here. That list has been growing... and growing.... and growing. Time to do some catching up.

First off, for Anna's birthday we moved her to a grown-up bed. She had reached the point where her feet were bumping and into the bottom of her toddler bed and her hands would get tangled in the sideboard every night. She'd end up sleeping curled in a ball or with half her limbs hanging off the mattress.

Now she has a big queen size bed where she looks about as small as a stuffed animal , swimming in all that space. We considered buying her a smaller mattress, but figured we'd just use what we already had lying around. (hehee... sorry for the pun) While she loves her new big bed, we still struggle with her new tendency to come into our room in the middle of the night. First we put a sleeping bag down on the floor to keep her out of her bed, but she started sneaking into it about two seconds after we'd put her to bed in her own room.

Our solution resulted in a night practically out of a Pink Panther movie, there was so much traveling back and forth between bedrooms. She'd sneak in, I'd walk her back and put her in her bed. She'd sneak back in about 10 minutes, and so on and so on. After a few nights of that she started to settle, but it's still going on at least once a night. As cute as she is, there is something inherently creepy to wake up in the middle of the night to a silent, though small, figure standing directly over your head in the darkness.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Snow White and Prince Charming

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My hair is falling out...

because I am pulling it!

My four-year-old daughter was feeling playful today. She was so inspired, in fact, that she ran upstairs, poked her head into the baby's room and screamed, "BOO!", at her sister.

Who is one. Who was barely 45 minutes into her two hour afternoon nap. Who refused to go back to sleep. Who has six different levels of hysterics that she was kind enough to display for the rest of the afternoon. (Insert hair pulling here).

And then? THEN? Anna comes up to me and says, "Mama, Silvia needs to be quiet and stop crying. You should go put her down." Seriously?!

In case you're wondering (and if you are a mom, I know you are), no, I did not break any laws today. I was tempted, but with great strength of will and a little help from my friend Advil, I restrained myself.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Snow on the mountain, snow white, snow sisters, snow hats and mittens, snow boots, snow jacket. All that's missing? Snow.
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Sunday, November 09, 2008


"Anna, what was your favorite part of the aquarium?"

Pause for deep thought and then...

"I liked the fishes."
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An Historic Night

This truly is a time of change and I'm overwhelmed with hope that no longer feels so audacious. I have now lived to see a time for my children where everyone really can grow up to be president.

Let's Play Hugs!

One of the girls' newest and cutest games ins "hugs". They chase each other around the house hugging and tumbling left and right.

halloween, car wash and birthday fun

Pictures of the girls at their silly best. Happy birthday, Anna and Auntie Mo!