Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's in there!

So, for those of you who don't know, we're (SURPRISE!) having another baby. I'm due this summer, mid-July, though it's hard to pinpoint an accurate date since we're not totally sure when I got pregnant. I'm guessing more towards the end of the month. I'll leave out the gory details, but the moment of actual conception is a bit foggy since I was on the Pill at the time. Let that be a lesson to you, young readers! You know who you are.

It was a shock, for sure. Kurt and I took some time, like several months, to get used to the idea. There were some tears. But it's starting to settle in and each appointment we have to check up on things helps me settle down to the reality more and more.

Besides, yay! I get a new car. It may be a minivan, but I'm totally insisting on heated seats this time. As a mom of three (THREE! EEEK!), I think I deserve it.

Anywhoo... we had the 4 month check-up yesterday, and yup, there's definitely a baby in there! The midwife (I'm skipping the OB this time around. I figure this is my last chance to try something new) ran the Doppler across my belly and right away caught the strong beat of a heart that WAS NOT MINE. It's funny, but I never get used to that. There's something ALIVE in there! It still feels sort of like alien invasion. But, you know, in a good way.

Baby is healthy and so am I. As this is my third time around, all my symptoms and signs have popped up (get it? popped? haha!) much sooner. I'm bigger earlier, already having trouble sleeping and generally feeling a little slower on the uptake. Of course, that could be from chasing two little nuclear generators around all day.

I've decided that if we could only harness their power output somehow, we could save THOUSANDS off our electric bill. I'm working on it, but they don't really like all the electrodes I keep trying to stick to their heads.

So that's what's new around here, chez Schwartz. Soon we will be Five. I'll have to change the name of the blog. And that will be it, as our family planning will become... permanent following this child.

Kurt is SO excited for that. I promised to buy him an ice pack.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"And then it EXPLODED, Mom!"

It's not my fault. These things happen, just about everyone's done it at some point. The problem is, I happened to slip up whilst my jumpy 5-year-old daughter was sitting right in front of the... incident.

After much debate last night, the girls agreed to PB&J for dinner. I had tried for pizza and salad but it was no dice. The last dregs of the peanut butter were a little too cold and hard for spreading, so I popped the jar into the microwave for 15 seconds to soften it up.


Turns out, a bit of the foil seal was still hanging onto the edge on the rim. The whole thing let off a LOUD static-like pop and flames shot up from the jar and filled the microwave. Did I mention it was loud?

I hit the roof in a Matrix-like spin and beat at the off button until everything instantly went back to quiet peanut butter peacefulness, though a tad smokey.

Anna however, started screaming, threw herself out of her chair and ran in blind hysterics out of the room, tripping over chairs and couches on her way to safety. Her terror set off Silvia (who I don't think even saw the event). I spent the next half hour on the couch with the girls velcro-ed to me, shrieking. As soon as I'd get Anna on the verge of calm, she'd say, "I want DAAAAAADDY to come home!!!", and then start wailing again. Kurt's on a business trip so the poor kid had to settle for mom to rescue her from the exploding peanut butter.

In case you feel I have not described this story in enough graphic detail or captured the complete horror that enveloped my daughter... just wait. Anna will be HAPPY to tell you about it. Every few minutes. For the rest of her life. Just in case you didn't understand the first time.

On the bright side, I'm hoping this will replace the story of how I forgot to buckle her car seat THREE YEARS AGO and she fell out and bruised her hips. I don't think I deserve to have both stories trotted out every few days. One example of how much I've failed her is plenty, don't you think?

And the peanut butter is fine. A little singed around the edges, but otherwise still quite tasty.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Early Riser

Yesterday both the girls teachers at preschool pulled me aside to say they were concerned. Seems Anna asked to lay down several times during the morning and Silvia was very quiet, shy and withdrawn all day. They didn't have fevers or seem sick, but the change in their temperments was enough to stand out.

It got me thinking. Anna's been WILLINGLY taking a two-hour nap with me in the afternoon while Silvia goes down. And Silvia's nap has been very deep, with nary a word of protest. They're still going to sleep at 8 P.M. as usual, so where was the disconnect?

Then I remembered that they've been getting up together in the morning, playing for a bit before coming to get Kurt and me. Looking back now, I can see that these morning meetings have been getting earlier and earlier. Yesterday I heard a door close loudly at 6 A.M. and when I investigated, I found the two of them sitting up in Anna's bed, playing with flashlights in the dark.

"Mama, Cici came into my room. AGAIN," Anna said with resignation.


So last night I informed the culprit that she was to leave Anna alone and when she woke up in the morning she could come lay down with me if she wanted to. Want to know what time she's been getting up?

4 A.M.

FOUR in the frickin' morning.

No wonder Anna's been in a stupor! Having a little whirlwind crawl in bed with you and start talking non-stop before the sun has even considered coming will take the mickey out of anyone!

While having a nearly-three-year-old in bed wasn't exactly restful for me, either, at least she stayed quiet and actually fell back asleep. Guess I'm not as entertaining as her big sister. But now that I've got her leaving Anna alone in the wee hours, I'm stuck with the task of getting her out of MY room.

Any ideas for getting her to sleep til 6? Besides drugging her?