The kids woke up bright and early today, dragging me from my sleep at 5:45. Oh, that first day excitement! They were all dressed and raring to go by 6-- which was about an hour and fifteen minutes BEFORE we need to head out.
I managed to slow them down a little with pancakes and friendly chatter but mostly they spent the morning running around as loudly as possible. Jack was confused and got upset about the backpacks, so we packed him a "lunch" into his little robot backpack for him to wear to school with us.
The walk, when we finally set out the door, was really nice. It's about 20 minutes or so on a nice path through the neighborhood and a park. Kurt took the morning off to come with us for the big day, so we all got a chance to be together and enjoy the energy. We were surrounded by other kids and families on their way as well, lending the whole trip a really festive feeling, like a parade.

We dropped Silvia first and she smiled and waved us off, showing barely any nervousness. I always forget that when the moment arrives, it's Silvia that leaps and Anna that hesitates.
And hesitate she did. We brought her into class to find that her desk is tucked up in the corner under an old board with the hand sanitizer dispenser right in her ear. She was squished between the wall and a rambunctious boy. After we hugged, she started to giggle nervously and she kept trying to hold on to us like a little monkey. When she was hugging Jack I half-thought we'd have to leave him there since she wouldn't let him go. When we finally made it out the door with a big wave, she hopped up, ran to Kurt and asked for "just one more hug". At that point she was a little bit misted up and trying to hide it. That's, of course, always what gets me. I hate having to leave her while she's upset. But of course we did leave, just like all the other parents, and walked home through the rapidly warming, moist air.
I'm off to pick them up in a little bit, after a day of Jack having me all to himself. He was upset after the girls were gone-- at first. Then I think he realized the new situation and did his best to take advantage of being Numero Uno for the day. So begins the school year, 2013-14. Let's hope it's a great one!
In Memory:
Today my friend's little daughter Isobella would have turned 3 years old. So here's a candle lit for a birthday that should have been.