Monday, December 05, 2005

Anna's Top Ten

Ten Things I Like to Do This Week

  1. Beat the drum with my drumsticks.
  2. Beat the cat with my drumsticks.
  3. Beat my parents with my drumsticks.
  4. Lick my drumsticks.
  5. Refuse to eat my dinner, but act starving at all times.
  6. Attempt to crawl, unless someone is watching, in which case I cry helplessly.
  7. Pull myself to a sitting position all by myself!
  8. Use my drumsticks to pull far away toys closer to me. 
  9. Talk in random babbling connections of syllables that sound almost like English… but aren’t.

And Finally…

  1. Lick other people’s shoes vigorously, preferably the bottoms, where all the good stuff is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mem likes 1 through 4 but is definitely not into number 10. you let anna hang around too much with those silly cats.