Cat Door? Nope... it's MY door! Kurt, in true handyman fashion, installed this little cat flap in the laundry room door this weekend. The goal was to keep Anna from organizing the cat food, piece by piece, and re-distributing the water in the water dish. The result? Anna's newest favorite thing EVER.
Other all-time favorites of the week:
* Hiding things in my shoes. In the past five days alone, I have found- a hairbrush, several pacifiers, two spoons, one small ball of yarn, socks (hers, not mine), and a crumpled wad of silver foil.
*Using new words. So far we have, "Mama, Cat, Dada, Up, Cup, Cat, Pop, Milk, Stick, Book, Cat, Hi (with wave), Bye (with wave), Cat, and Yes". Oh, and also, "Cat".
*Organizing. She will literally spend HOURS organizing, though not in the sense that she is making things less of a mess. More, she is simply making one that conforms to her high standards of mess. She'll sit and take out all the toys within reach, lay them all in a broad circle on the ground around her. Then she'll move them back into the toy basket. And them back out again. For variety, she'll only take out books for one round, then only stuffed animals. my goal is to get her to end her organizing on the part where she puts them all back in the basket, but I think she's on to me, so that hasn't been very effective.
*Chasing Cats. I mentioned she likes cats, right? Well, before, she used to simply laugh and look at them and maybe grab as they walked by. With Dora, HER cat, she would pet and sometimes lay down on her. But now that she's so speedy with her little scooting method, she has started to truly TERRORIZE the cats. Which brings us full circle back the cat door. Anna will sit next to the door, like in the picture, flip it open, lean in, and then YELL at the poor cats, who are just trying to get a moment's peace. She actually had them penned up in there for an hour yesterday, too afraid to come out the door since that would mean having to pass the Scary Loud Baby with Teeth. I think Finn is developing a twitch.
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