If I make the mistake of thinking something else is more important right now, (like, say, the over-boiling pasta or the war in the middle east), she'll throw the world's biggest hissy fit and follow me around, attempting to fit the book into my hand.
This girl loves her books, and I'm so glad she does. But it must be said that I am getting a little tired of her favorite ones. Oswald, who is apparently a large blue octopus, is her best friend in book land. She has two Oswald books, Ah-CHOO! and Hooray for Fall!, that we read ALL DAY LONG. Kurt and I have learned to be careful about saying the "O" word in her presence, because it'll always set her off for another reading. She's also super-fond of the Dora the Explorer beginning readers series, though she seems to have forgotten about them lately. We can only hope.
I have an idea! How about everyone posts a comment with their favorite unique children's book. I'm not talking Dr. Seuss here, but something more like Rain Makes Applesauce, something you don't see all the time on everyone's shelves. Please. We need a break from Oswald.

well, i'm the mumsy that introduced you to Rain Makes Applesauce and Sheep in a Jeep (beep! beep!) so i feel i've had some influence here. i'll also look around for Never Tease a Weasel, and I have Frog and Toad are Friends (for a year or so from now) and it's about time to start reading The Little Red Hen just to begin character development.
Rain Makes Applesauce was the first book that I ever "rescued" from the Great Falls Public Library. I had been assigned to take a big box of discard books out in the garage bay and tear the covers off and tear pages so the books would not be usable. This was not a happy task. But most of the books were either very old novels (1930s era) or way outdated science texts so it didn't bother me that much. but then i came on a battered copy of Rain Makes Applesauce - which i had never seen before - and i just couldn't make myself do it. So i hid it under my desk in the bookmobile and next day brought in a big shoulder bag and sneaked it out. Daring! Daring! I took it home and used the book repair skills the library had taught me to mend and repair the spine and that was our first copy of Rain Makes Applesauce. It was out of print at the time, but later, when it came back in print, i ordered a new copy.
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