Monday, May 14, 2007

An Ah-HA! moment for Anna

This morning Anna was playing happily in the living room with these little alphabet bubble stickers that she "borrowed" from my scrapbooking stuff. She loves them, but they seriously frustrate her,too, sometimes.

So she's sitting there, sticking them on her books and stuff (they're not super sticky anymore) and then gets all uspet about lord only knows what. She starts crying and yelling and throws the stickers all over the place.

I say, "I'm sorry you're upset, but there's no throwing toys. Bye-bye letters." I put them away and she's still shrieking. I say, "Anna, I can't help you when you're this upset. When you feel better come talk to me." Then I walk into the kitchen.

Anna cries for a moment more, then...

She stands up, walks past me saying, "Let's go Time Out, then I'll feel better." Sits herself in the time out chair. I'm grinning ear to ear, listening to her talk to herself about the letters and needing a time out. Then I hear, 'Momma...".

I walk in. She's still sitting. "Momma, I'm in time out."

I say, "Yes, you put yourself in time out because you were very upset. Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah, I feel better. Wanna go sit in the crib?" (That's where she likes to wind down sometimes when the world gets too overwhelming.)

We happily climb the stairs, singing the stairs song, I put her in her crib for a few minutes, she smiles and we're all happy.

I cannot believe it!

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