Tuesday, June 26, 2007

nap time, quality time

I'm really starting to enjoy nap times now that I have two kids. Not because I get to nap, oh no, but because it gives me time alone with one daughter or the other. Silvia is an excellent napper and during her morning snooze, Anna and I get to bond. We read stories and color and play chase and jump around and have tickle-fights, just the two of us. It's a chance for me to re-connect with her and remind her that, while the baby is cute, she's still my sweetie, too.

In the afternoons, Anna often goes down for a nap a little before Silvia, or Silvia wakes up before Anna. During this time I get to spend one-on-one baby time. We explore new territories, like toes, practice peek-a-boo and singing and talking and rolling. It's personal baby time that is so precious to me. When Anna was this age, every day all day was all about her growth and development. But because my focus is split, it seems even more exciting when I have those brief moments alone with my new baby girl to see what she's learning and discovering right now.

Nap time in our house is special mom-daughter time... now if only I could squeeze in an actual nap for me, too, then it'd be perfect!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Twisted Sister

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Anna Bunny

A friend of mine made this little bunny-ears hat for Silvia, but Anna has appropriated it for herself. She's been hopping around all morning.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Baby in a Bumbo


"Totally AWESOME!"

Proof that A/C works

She fell asleep by herself in the playroom, which used to be the hottest room in the house, capable of melting unsuspecting infants into puddles.

Baby in a Sling

Books and cold air

Silvia, like many before her in our family, is now a tremendous fan of "Rain Makes Applesauce". I read it to her before bed and, just for fun, during the day. The nonsense verse always makes her giggle. Of course, it helps that she's the super-smiliest baby ever, but still, I think she has special affection for this story.

Today I got her a Bumbo seat from a friend who's kids had outgrown it. It's amazing! She can't quite sit up by herself, she's always falling over, but with this she can sit up, look around and be highly entertained by Anna's antics while still working on her balance in a safe place. She's comfortable sitting for up to 10 minutes or so before she gets bored, but I tell you what, 10 minutes of happy-baby-who-doesn't-need-to-be-held, that's a really GREAT 10 minutes for me! Silvia's really going through a mommy thing right now, and I end up wearing her or holding her on my hip most of the day, so having a happy place to put her is a real treat for me.

She'll probably hate it tomorrow, but for today... we all love it!

In other big Schwartz-er news... We now have Air Conditioning! Woohoo!! It's supposed to get up to 97 degrees today. At that temp last summer, (pregnant and sick and with a whiny 1 year old), I was in tears, hiding in the basement for a breath of cooler air or trooping over to mom's to soak up her A/C. Today, instead, we've been playing and dancing and both girls took long comfortable naps and everyone is HAPPY!

Thanks especially to my sweetie, he orchestrated the whole process.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Silvia and Mommy, just chillin'

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Anna at Rampart Reservoir

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Oh, the times they are a-changin'

Anna is growing up so quickly into a full-force-maelstrom of a little girl. This weekend she got her very first skinned-knee, and shook it off almost as quickly as it happened. Every now and then she comes up to Kurt and me and asks us to kiss her "boo-boos", but other than that she seems completely undisturbed by them. As I got her up this morning, this was the inventory: one skinned knee (red and scabbed), one skinned wrist (also scabby), and a newly acquired cut on the TOP of her foot, near the toes, no idea how that happened.

Silvia's moving right along, too. She now can roll forward and back, and is trying as hard as she can to sit up. If you lay her flat, she starts doing crunches, just struggling to sit herself up.

Kurt had a great Father's Day weekend. He spend Saturday waxing the Boxster for SEVEN HOURS. Hey, it was his choice, and he's thrilled to bits that it's all shiny and slick looking, so that's what counts. Sunday we all drove up to Rampart Reservoir and had a picnic and hung out by the water for awhile. After we got back, Anna napped for about an hour and then we headed out again to our favorite pizza place, which happens to be right around the corner from our favorite ice cream shop. So convenient!

All in all, it was a lovely weekend, very happy and relaxing for all involved. That in itself is odd, usually we've got at least one unhappy camper for at least a part of the time, but this weekend was special, indeed, with smiles and cheers all around.

What could possibly be in-store next?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Reading Room

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Tinkles and Hoots

Potty training has begun in earnest in the Schwartz household. So far, Anna just LOVES to sit on her little potty and read, read, read. And then read some more. And maybe read a little bit after that.

As for actually pottying, that's a different story. But, this morning, I'm happy to announce that Anna produced the smallest and tiniest little tinkle for the potty and was quite proud of herself. Actually, she didn't really seem to care, but since Mommy made such a big deal, she did a happy dance for my benefit. Let's hope she keeps it up!

Silvia, too, is growing up in leaps and bounds. She is starting to sleep really well again, which is a relief. After I posted that she had slept through the night all those weeks ago, she laughed in my face and started waking up every two to three hours. I will not make the mistake to brag about her sleeping habits again, but instead only say that last night was very nice and restful.

She's also exploring her vocal range. Instead of just little coos and gurgles, she now hoots, hiccups and calls out. It's cute!

I finally got myself organized this weekend and scheduled her christening at our church. We were lucky with Anna's christening to be able to have both her godparents, Val and Lisa, there for the ceremony. Our luck seems to be holding strong, because it looks like both Silvia's godparents will be able to attend next month, too! My brother John and Kurt's sister Monica will be standing up for her.

That's all for now. Wish me luck with the potty-training!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


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Curly Brown Hair

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Chew Toys

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Kurt and Megan

Someone either recently taught Anna our names or she's just suddenly picked up on it. She's been walking around all day, talking to herself and her toys about "Megan" and "Kurt" and how "Daddy is a Kurt and Momma is a Megan". She was telling Silvia earlier about how one toy was a "Megan" and trying to get Silvia to hold it and hug it. Have I mentioned how totally enamored of her baby sister Anna is?

In other cute new, Silvia has started to suck her thumb! It began hesitantly about a week or two ago and she's gotten much better at in the meantime. Now she's putting herself to sleep in the mornings by sucking her thumb and has settled herself occasionally in the car, too, that way. I know it opens a whole host of other problems when she gets older, (some of you may recall that I am a veteran thumb-sucker myself), but for the moment it's just nice that she's learning to self-soothe. She's also started playing with toys in the past few weeks, shaking things and putting everything in the world in her mouth.

Anna has another horrible cold, I think it's the eleventy-twelfth one this year. Silvia's been extra fussy this week, too, and started sneezing this afternoon, so I'm afraid the bug may have already made the sisterly connection. That's one drawback to having Anna so in love with Silvia; she's always touching and hugging her, sharing every germ known to man. The baby's 4 month well-check appointment is this Thursday, so he'll be able to check and see if she's developing another ear infection on top of it all again. Hopefully not, as that could have some worrisome consequences.