Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Kurt and Megan

Someone either recently taught Anna our names or she's just suddenly picked up on it. She's been walking around all day, talking to herself and her toys about "Megan" and "Kurt" and how "Daddy is a Kurt and Momma is a Megan". She was telling Silvia earlier about how one toy was a "Megan" and trying to get Silvia to hold it and hug it. Have I mentioned how totally enamored of her baby sister Anna is?

In other cute new, Silvia has started to suck her thumb! It began hesitantly about a week or two ago and she's gotten much better at in the meantime. Now she's putting herself to sleep in the mornings by sucking her thumb and has settled herself occasionally in the car, too, that way. I know it opens a whole host of other problems when she gets older, (some of you may recall that I am a veteran thumb-sucker myself), but for the moment it's just nice that she's learning to self-soothe. She's also started playing with toys in the past few weeks, shaking things and putting everything in the world in her mouth.

Anna has another horrible cold, I think it's the eleventy-twelfth one this year. Silvia's been extra fussy this week, too, and started sneezing this afternoon, so I'm afraid the bug may have already made the sisterly connection. That's one drawback to having Anna so in love with Silvia; she's always touching and hugging her, sharing every germ known to man. The baby's 4 month well-check appointment is this Thursday, so he'll be able to check and see if she's developing another ear infection on top of it all again. Hopefully not, as that could have some worrisome consequences.

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