For the past few weeks, every time I go in to get Anna in the morning, she's laying in her little bed, with the covers pulled up to her chin. When she sees me, she smiles, sits up, and the swings her little feet down onto the floor.
She's wearing shoes. Usually her Crocs.
This morning, I walk in, and she greets me with, "Mama! I look BEAUTIFUL!"
She is wearing several plastic bracelets, has big barettes tangled into her hair, has 4 strands of plastic beads around her neck, hands covered in plastic rings... and her rainboots on.
Her large, plastic, pink and flowery rainboots. In bed.
Every night after Kurt puts her to bed, she gets back up, puts on whatever shoes she can find, and the crawls back under the covers.
She's a true shoe lover already!
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