This is the month for Silvia, I can tell. It seems like right around every baby's first year there's one month in particular where they suddenly stop being an infant and become... something else. A big baby? A small toddler? A... *gulp*... child?
As of today, Silvia can walk, talk, sleep through the night, express her desires, use at least 3 ASL signs, kiss, hug and change her own diapers.
Okay, maybe not that last one. But everything else is right on the ball.
She started fully walking after Christmas and never crawls anymore. She runs about, sometimes falls, let's out a big, "Uh-oh!", and gets right back up again.
The talking started more recently, probably around her birthday. So far, she clearly and correctly says: Hi, Dada, Mama, Anna, cat, shoes, toes, juice, more, "all done", up, down and "what's that?". Silvia also points to her own nose, eyes, ears, toes and belly button when asked, which is cuter than you can even imagine such antics could be.
What amazes me more than any of her new tricks, really, is her understanding. She just seems to have comprehension all of a sudden that is so clear and accurate. When I tell her to eat, or to hand me something, or ask what she wants to drink, or to put something down, she understands and reacts. She points at pictures in books and and knows when it's a cat or a dog or a baby... or a shoe. (all the important things in life, right?) At night, I tell her it's bed time and she waves bye-bye, grabs her juice or a toy and heads upstairs, all on her own.
I blinked, I must have blinked. Because I swear, last time I really looked, wasn't she just an itty bitty little thing, rolling around on the floor and drooling on her toes?
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