Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Oh, man. We've reached that stage, the stage I've always laughed about with other parents, but dreaded for myself. The "Why?" stage.

Anna: "Mommy? Where are we going?"

Me: "To the grocery store."

Anna: "Why?"

Me: "Because we need milk and bread."

Anna: "Why?"

Me: "Because we ate it all up and now we need more or we'll be hungry.
Anna: "I'm not hungry. Are you hungry, mommy?"

Me: "Not right now, but I will be later."

Anna: "Why?"

It goes on and on and on and eventually I can't answer the "why's" anymore. Then she gets mad, like I've denied her some precious gift. Then it turns into, "WHYYYYYYYYY????"

Times like these, I chant the Serenity Prayer in my head until it, hopefully, starts to drown out the questions. Poor Anna. It must be hard to live with a mommy who doesn't know all the answers to all the questions in the universe.

Maybe she should try asking DADDY.

1 comment:

Lea said...

Not looking forward to this phase! Good luck!