Two? She's two? When did that happen?
Happy birthday, my no-longer-baby. She's walking all about with a grin and singing, "Happy birthday to Cici, happy birthdaaaaay!". Anna is just about as excited as she is, too. We're having a little dinner party with cake tonight. Some of our friends who saw us through Anna's babyhood, my pregnancy and all the wackiness since Silvia was born are coming with their kids to celebrate. I anticipate much running and screaming, it should be a blast. Best of all, Kurt is making his famous deep-dish pizza, yum!
Looking forward to old friends, balloons and party hats, but mostly to the grown-up smile on my girl's face at the sight of her cake. She's been practicing blowing out her candles. Hope no one minds a little spray on the frosting, though, heheee.It's a little sad to put her baby years behind her, but it's been so exciting seeing her learn so much and get so cheeky and funny. Here's to all the years to come!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day together.
I remember when I first met you and Silvia, and she was just an itty bitty 5 month old. How time flies!
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