Well, the weekend of birthdays has been and gone. Silvia's third was on Friday, kicked off with a great family dinner and present extravaganza plus VERY FANCY CAKE. Since for the time being Kurt is doomed to share some of his own festivities (his big day is the 7th, two days after Silvia's) with his as-yet youngest child, I splurged (and we're talking SPLURGED here, people) on a gourmet Black Forest cake from a local bakery. It's his favorite and no one else seemed to have any complaints.
We followed up the family shindig with a morning play party Saturday at Lil Biggs with a few of her favorite 2- and 3-year-old friends. It was a blast and guess what? More cake!! In the great tradition of my girls' parties, Silvia cried for about (at least) half the party, mostly from wanting to play with everything at the same time. I have to admit, despite some inconveniences, it's a great play place for kids with a bounce house, all kinds of video and token games and a big play area with dress-up, toys, climbing and a sandbox. We've got a cup of leftover tokens and I plan on spending a few snow days playing there in the near future.
For Kurt, his big present was a night off. He's been working like a madman lately, with nary a moment to catch his breath, much less sleep, eat or look out the window. The girls spent Saturday night at my mom's indulging in waffles for dinner and snuggling up together in the guest room's big bed for the night.
While they enjoyed the luxury of grandma's house, Kurt and I enjoyed the luxury of our own home-- all to ourselves. We had a wonderful dinner at our favorite restaurant, Edelweiss, and then bolted home to curl up in jammies in front of the big TV for a long-postponed dive into our neglected Netflix collection. We got to sleep until TEN IN THE MORNING, totally unheard of in this household. I mean, seriously, I think the last time I slept until 1o was when Anna was a newborn. We'd be up all night long with her tears and colic and then finally crash out around 7 A.M. just as Kurt left for work. So really, that probably doesn't even count.
We finished off the mini-vacation with a lazy breakfast of cappuccinos and croissants at La Baguette-- and then Kurt headed back down to his office to catch up on the work he'd missed while taking a birthday break. Still, he looked practically rested as he headed out this morning, even after staying up until 2 A.M. working, so I call the time off a complete success.
Now with our big February festivities behind us, all that's left to do is sort and purge some toys to make room for the new loot and then... enjoy the snow, the winter and each other!
P.S. I'm extra proud of Anna, too! She handled all Silvia's attention and gifts with grace and maturity, with the exception of one toy (a stuffed animal cat) that she really wants for her very own. But after 48 hours, Silvia's fascination with it has mostly waned and she even let Anna sleep with it last night. So that worked out, too.
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