Sunday, August 08, 2010

Pictures at random

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The Stiners said...

Oh swooooooon!!! Look at your gorgeous family!!!!! I'm dying over here not being able to get my hands on that baby!!! I want to snuggle him!!!!!

Can't wait to see Charlotte's handywork when you get your family pictures done. Jack is Kurt's little mini-me - do you get that a lot?

Megan said...

There are some of the baby pictures up on my FB profile, I haven't gotten the actual pics from them yet. They just got back from Singapore (a trip with the kids!!! ahh!).

And I totally think Jack looks like Kurt, too! He looks just like Anna's baby pictures, and I am more and more convinced that Anna looks more like Kurt than me. Her coloring is misleading, but her face and features are total Schwartz. And Silvia's face and features are totally my side of the fam. She kind of looks like my brother, I think. (everyone disagrees with me, BTW,hehee!)