Thursday, September 23, 2010

She's got the look... and the books


Not only is Anna totally adorable, turns out she can read! Ok, I know, you're all totally in shock. But recently her love of the written word has been confirmed at her school. They tested her at a 3rd-4th grade reading level. Even though we knew she was a strong reader it was still kind of shock to see it set out like that. So now Anna gets to follow a seperate program from her classmates. Her teacher will send home a few books a week from the 4th grade curriculum. Anna's supposed to read them to us a few times and then return them, where her teacher will then test her on comprehension of the stories. From there we can see if she needs things to be more challenging or less. It's wonderful that the schools now have a system for individualizing skill learning instead of just trying to fit all the kids into the same mold. Her teacher has been great to keep Anna progressing while working with us to make sure she's appropriately challenged without being overwhelmed.

From Anna's point of view, all this complicated curriculum and individual tutoring just means... new books! Every week! Hurray! I'm so glad she's happy and as long as it seems to keep her that way, we'll keep offering her new things. All in all, a really exciting program for my little kindegartener.
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alison said...

Wow Anna! That is so so cool!

grandmem said...

you know, it's not often i can say "i told you so!" and it's a positive thing, but this time i think i get to. i said this summer she was reading at a 3rd to 4th grade level. i'm so delighted (and relieved!) that they are taking this seriously and working with her at that level. go anna!

Lea said...

Aw Anna, I just love this picture! What a bright girl she is!