Monday, April 16, 2012


Jack is a tattler. His especial nemesis is Silvia. He wants whatever she's playing with, she deliberately plays with things he wants. It's a fiesty brew. Several times a day, Jack comes running over to tell me she's wronged him, mostly by pointing and accusingly declaring, "Cici [mumblemumblemumble] MINE!".

Today, I went in to get him up from his nap. I'd had to wake him a bit early so we could go pick up Silvia at school and he was still half-asleep and sweaty as he sat up.

"Hi, Mama", he said in a blurry, sweet voice. And then, sounding confused but firm, he moaned, "Cici NO! MINE!".

Gee, I wonder what he'd been dreaming about?

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