As the girls grow, they start to drop their funny little expressions and personalized pronunciations. I know it's important to encourage the correct words and tenses and what not, but there are just some things too cute to hurry out of their vocabulary. A few of my favorites, for posterity's sake.
"I'm so exciting to go! I'm so EXCITING!". This was Anna's until just a few months ago, and now she corrects me when I try and encourage her to say it anymore.
Jamammies instead of pajamas.
"That's disgusty!". She's particularly fond of this one right now, especially when referring to Silvia's drool phenomenon.
"What's all the drama going on, Mama!". I think she picked this up at school and she says it constantly- on the potty, in the middle of dinner, at bedtime, etc. This makes me wonder, of course, what is all the drama going on?
"That's MIND!". Sadly, this passed into history about a year ago, but it still makes me laugh. Everything on God's green earth was "MIND!".
Dimosaur. She loves her dimosaurs. Anna keeps correcting her on this, but I'm trying to be as bad an influence as I can to keep it around.
"What's wrong with your face?". She hasn't been doing this lately, but for a long time she'd reach up at you during her diaper change and say it, looking all concerned. Very, ummm... sweet.
"ABC... twinkle star... rock-a-baby... lullaby... ABC". When we'd put Silvia to sleep, up until just a few months ago, she'd request all her favorite songs while we rocked. She'd request them so quickly, in fact, that we'd get the first two or three syllables in on one song and then she'd be asking for the next.
"Mama, make love!". I didn't even think about this one when she first said it, I just drew her a heart. Eventually the double-meaning sunk in, too.
I'm drawing a blank now on a lot of little quirky turns of phrase, but there are lots more. I love that they are so articulate and well-spoken, but I still miss the cute baby talk as it fades away. Proof that they're growing up... think I'll miss the last diaper, too?
I love "what's wrong with your face?"
So far Lily says a lot of "hold you?" Well you know what she means!
I just love these little phrases. I am so anxious to see what Asher comes up with!
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