Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We had a great time this weekend for Father's Day, celebrating everything that Kurt does for this family. He is, in the plainest and simplest of terms, absolutely essential to all three of the girls for whom he so diligently cares.

Saturday we relaxed at the house, got caught up on chores and projects and had a fun evening with the kids. Sunday, we headed up to the Denver Botanic Gardens, a very beautiful place absolutely packed with fun little paths and garden nooks for the girls to run around in. The weather was probably the hottest it's been this year yet, but we had a great time despite the heavenly rays. Pictures will be, of course, forth-coming (once I snag them off Kurt's camera, which will be after I snag Kurt's camera in the first place.)

Happy Father's Day to all daddy's everywhere!

Queen of the One-liner's

One afternoon, when I had just arrived home from a busy weekend morning, Anna was crawling all over me while Kurt played with Silvia on our bed. Finally, I gave Kurt the look and he said, "Ok, girls, let's go downstairs and play, Mommy needs to take a shower."

Anna, looking me up and down: "You're going to take a shower, mama?"

Me: "Yes, sweetie, I won't be very long, I'll be downstairs in just a little bit."

Anna: "Okay, mama. Take off all your clothes and have a nice time!"

Oh, boy. I'm so not looking forward to the high school years.