Monday, May 17, 2010

Anna's Graduation

I used to always discreetly roll my eyes when people talked about their kids "graduating" from preschool. But that's one of those parenting things you learn as you go along-- don't knock it til you've been there. When they played a country song called, "Let Them Be Little" while showing slides of all the kids as babies and then as five-year-olds... yup. I got all misty. My big girl!

Next thing? I have to survive her first day of kindegarten. Lord help me.
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Friday, May 14, 2010

My favorite faces

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The pile, on its way out

My thanks, in hard copy. You'll notice on the bottom several sheets of construction paper, too. These are letters and pictures Anna has done for her uncles which I promised to send. Sorry, Anna. Sorry, uncles. It's the thought that counts!!
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thank you... and you... and YOU!

On the corner of my desk is an ever-growing pile of cards. Most of them are sealed in envelopes and addressed, awaiting a zip code or, most likely, a stamp. Some have cards tucked into the fold of the envelope and are yet to be written, with a sticky note inside saying "new books" or "pretty dress" or some such thing. The pile has been shuffled, moved, dusted, put away and even transferred to the keyboard of my laptop in an attempt at motivation through line of sight.

With each event that takes place in our lives, I find myself pulling out fresh thank you cards. You see, I really WANT to express, personally, my gratitude. For all the books on Anna's birthday, for the fancy dress that Silvia wears at least twice a week no matter what, for the Christmas presents that the girls are still getting giggles from... I want to write beautiful notes in pretty cards. I want to imagine someone smiling to open their mailbox and receive, instead of junk and bills, a personal letter from me.

But the pile only grows. And grows. AND GROWS. Now, I just tell people about their card, just so they know I haven't forgotten. A few friends have several cards in the pile and each time I add a new one, I let that person know. As if the existence of the written note is almost as good as actually getting to see it?

This weekend some friends are toasting me with a baby shower and I just KNOW the thank-you note pile is going to fail me like never before. Already I have received loving thoughts and wonderful tokens to celebrate this upcoming birth and I am hopeless at ever being able to write, stamp and post my appreciation.

So here it is. I'm giving up, just a little bit. Perhaps a clean slate will leave me with room to start a NEW, evolving pile of timely missives.

Dear Grandmas and Grandpas, school friends, playgroup friends, old friends and new friends. Dear thoughtful aunts and cousins, loving sisters (in-law and otherwise) and hilarious brothers.

Thank you. Thank you for the gifts, the Christmas toys, the clothes and dress-up toys for my ever-so-girly girls, the books that have taught Anna to read and allowed Silvia to channel her energy in creative play. Thank you for my own birthday presents, from unexpected Starbucks treats (and the sincere notes of friendship that came with them) to Buffy comic books that only a truly wonderful and old friend would know hits the spot in a perfect way. Thank you for beautiful jewelry that makes me smile (or will, when my fingers shrink back down and I can wear it).

Thank you, too, to the family I see only rarely but that never forgets birthdays and always sends a note of love at the exact time I can use it most. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Bloom, specifically, for the priceless gift you send each year of a night out with my husband in the form of a handy envelope of cash. We always use it for dinner and a movie and we ALWAYS toast you in the course of the evening.

Speaking of nights out, thank you to my mom and Terry and Opa for all the childcare we've received. I know lots of people without family around who haven't spent any time alone with their spouse in too long and we're always grateful that you give us that opportunity.

It's a cop out and not so personal, but really, everyone (and that for sure means YOU!), thank you. Your generosity makes my family happier, brighter and better. Every gesture, big or small, is really important and does not go without notice over here.

And if you do happen to ever receive a card from me, please don't be surprised to find it's dated three or more years in the past. It just means I'm starting at the bottom and working my way up!

With Much Love,

Megan (and Kurt, Anna and Silvia, though they never write much)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Look at those beautiful girls! As a mother and wife, I've scored the jackpot. Hope all you other moms out there are having a wonderful day, too. You deserve it. (photo courtesy of Trystan Photography, of course.)