Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Candyland Magic

For Anna's birthday, Monica sent her very first board game: Candyland.

Candyland is AWESOME. It's become the solution to every possible toddler problem. Won't eat dinner? Eat three more bites and then we can play Candyland. Doesn't want to sit on the potty? As soon as you're done, we can play Candyland. Won't share toys with Silvia? Play nice and use good manners or else we WON'T play Candyland after dinner.

Anna loves this game, absolutely loves it. She is always the yellow game piece, she thinks it's so great to get a picture card even if she has to move all the way back to the beginning to go to that picture. She loves it when it's my turn or Kurt's turn or her turn. Doesn't matter, as long as someone "wins the Candy Castle", as she puts it.

Thank you, Auntie Mo! You have given us three year old magic.

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