Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Anna's first day of kindergarten

Big day! We all took Anna into school this morning for the drop-off, but they hustled her into class so quickly we didn't really have a chance for a tearful good-bye (or much of a good-bye at all, really)-- which is probably for the best. She was all smiles this morning and even extra sweet to Silvia. The picture of the two of them hugging was after Silvia came up to her big sister and said, "Anna, I'm really going to miss you." Oh, man! That's pretty much the only time I did get a little misty-eyed.

So there goes my big girl, off into the world of public education. Let the adventure begin!

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grandmem said...

I love the pony dress! And I'm so glad you got the photo of Anna marching off with her backpack. I'll try to post a photo today of her grandmem doing the same thing. Generational continuity!

Jennifer said...

she looks magically older!!!! she's so cute!!!