Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 years and 18 months

Silvia and Jack had their wellness check-ups today. That's the pediatric idea of a birthday present-- here, let's stick a needle in you, or maybe two or three!

At 5, Silvia is a healthy little monkey. She's still smaller than average, but she always has been so that's not a big surprise. One stumbling block at any exam with her now is her incredible shyness. She just shuts down. She won't respond, won't whisper an answer to me and gets progressively more withdrawn the more someone pushes to get a reaction from her. This makes it hard to get vision and hearing tests done, but the doctor was very patient with her and they worked through it. She'd point at a star shape and ask if it was a fish or a house so Silvia would shake her head and then ask if it was a star to get a nod. After about 5 minutes of that down the chart, we decided she still has 20/20 vision.

This year was the first time Silvia's ever had her blood drawn. I was very nervous for her, mostly because I'm still in shock from when Anna was 2 and went to the hospital with rotavirus. They had to wrap her in a blanket and fully restrain her to get an IV in, it was awful. But this was a whole different bag of tricks and Silvia did great. I gave her a lollipop, held her hand and chatted to her about all the blood tests I had to have when I was pregnant. The nurses were very smooth, got the needle in, the vials filled and a band-aid on all in less than a minute. Impressive! Silvia didn't even cry. Shy, yes... but tough.

Jack, on the other He has some lungs! He's been sick and has about ALL his teeth coming in, but I've never seen him so upset at the doctor, usually he's a charmer. He screamed the whole visit, from the weigh-in to the shots finale. He, too, is under-weight but more so than Silvia. The doctor made a comment that he needs to be eating three meals and two snacks every day. I burst out laughing. Sure thing. I'll get right on that. Is it ok if I just put it all through the blender, sit on him and pour it down his throat? Because that's the only way it's gonna happen.

That boy just will NOT eat. It's a struggle every day. Any suggestions will be appreciated, really.

So other than skinny and surviving needles, the kids are doing great. Silvia is moving up to a booster seat now. The rule is 40 pounds and four years old. She's 36 pounds but since she's already five, we got the green light to change up anyway since her legs are getting pretty dangly in the carseat. I wonder what it's like to have a 40 pound four year old?

1 comment:

Lea said...

Glad the check-ups went pretty well! I'm sure the doctor already suggested this, and you've probably thought of it, but will he take pediasure at all? That's what they had to do with my niece...or half and half of milk and pediasure if he likes milk. Just a thought. Hopefully his appetite will be ramping up in no time!