Monday, December 19, 2005


Ah, the joys of a mobile baby.  Anna may not be getting around in the traditional sense, but, oh boy, is she ever getting around, and into, everything.  Luckily, for the most part, she’s ignored the presents under the tree, choosing to expend her energies towards more fascinating things.  For instance, she loves to get up close to the gas fireplace while it’s on, reaching her delicate little hands out towards the painfully hot glass. Or she will roll herself over to the vacuum cleaner, neatly parked in a corner, and start kicking and pulling it in an attempt to crush herself beneath it.  She also seems fascinated with getting herself half under the coffee table and then trying to sit up- thereby totally knocking her head on the edge of the table.  So far she hasn’t discovered the joys of kitchen cabinets, but it’s only a matter of time. 

This will be, as always, a good Christmas. I’m very excited because my brother, Val, is flying out to visit.  He hasn’t seen Anna since her christening in April, so there’ll be a big change. She’s actually a little person now, not just a little baby bundle.  John won’t be coming home this time, but we hope to get together with him next summer for some kind of family vacation.  Other than family, I’ll also have friends around, with Lisa and her kids both being in town this year.  I can’t wait to give everyone their presents! 

It’s possible that Monica, Kurt’s sister, will have the best present of all this season, since she’s due with her first baby any day now.  She had a bit of a false alarm the other night and I know was disappointed that the baby wasn’t ready yet (since she is SO ready), but I’m thinking that some time this week she’ll be a new mom!  That’s my guess, anyway. We’ll see when the time is right! 

Hope everyone has a safe week of holiday prep and travel. It’s off to the post office for me, as soon as Teletubbies is over!  (I know, I know, I shouldn’t have left it, but I did, so now I deserve the lines I have to stand in.)

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