Wednesday, February 08, 2006

15 Month check-up

Anna had her check-up on Monday, and she’s still a healthy little girl.  Her weight picked up much more in the past three months than it has since she was born.  She weighed in at 20.4 pounds, which is all the way up in the 20th percentile!  Her height has averaged out at the 50th percentile, so while she’s still skinny, it’s not as pronounced as it was a few months ago. 

Anna now has several words, though sometimes you have to be her parent in order to understand her.  She says: milk, juice, truck, cat, what’s that?, book, mamma and dada.  She also is now proficient at going down the stairs and sometimes gets up on to her hands and knees for a few moments while she’s scooting and rolling around.  The cutest thing to develop in the past few weeks is her new love of teddy bears.  She has two or three that she prefers above all others and one that she sleeps with every day.  I’ve noticed, too, that her understanding has really grown in the past month or so, too.  You can ask her where her hat is, or her book or bear or milk, and she’ll look around and then go get it and hold it up for you to see!   She’s still working on putting hats on, though mostly she just pats it on to her head in a big pile of fabric, she hasn’t figured out to open the hat up and make it fit around her head yet. 

Since she’s still not standing at all or pulling up to standing, the doctor has recommended we take her in for a developmental assessment, just to make sure there are no underlying problems.  He said in most cases where babies have one area of delay in their development, they just eventually outgrow it and we never find out what caused it.  We’ll be doing the assessment later this month and I’ll keep everyone updated on what comes of it. 

Kurt got home late last night from his ski trip and Anna was startled but then very happy to see him again after five days of missing him.  She definitely noticed he was gone, and by Saturday evening had really started getting clingy and shy again, which she hasn’t been doing for a couple months now. Poor Kurt had to go back to work today on just five hours sleep, so we haven’t really had a chance to hear about his ski trip yet, but I’m sure I’ll have pictures to post later in the week!

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