Friday, July 20, 2007

It's been awhile

In fact, it's been so long since I posted that my news may seem shocking. Anna leaves for college this fall, she's heading up to CU Boulder and Silvia has just gotten her letter of acceptance to Oxford on full scholarship for the following year! Can't believe how fast they grew up, can you?

Okay, just kidding. They're not that old yet, but it does seem as if the time is just flying by. Anna is now very close to being potty-trained. She still is having accidents at naptime, but during the day is very consistent about staying clean and dry and also wakes up dry most mornings. I'm super proud of her, I really thought it was going to be harder than this. The first two weeks or so were very stressful, but she's doing great now!

She's the most amazing little kid, in my totally biased opinion. She can read through a book once with me and then have it memorized; we just need to turn to any page and she makes the visual association and can recite the story for that page. It's really funny, too, because she puts her favorite books to music in the car, singing the words to herself from memory.

Silvia is now 5 and a half months, which is really hard for me to accept. I keep thinking she's just a tiny baby, but really she's well on her way now to toddler-hood and little kid-ness. She can sit up by herself now, though she's still a bit wobbly. She rolls around in her crib and has started sleeping on her tummy about half the time at night. She's also getting much more vocal. Just this week she started babbling and talking all the time while she plays, it's adorable. And loud. Hehee.

She's sleeping pretty well most nights, goes to bed about 7, wakes up at about 3, then comes to bed with me at about 5 or 6 until we get up. She's doing better in the car around town, though the crying fits are still bad for longer trips. And she's still the absolute smilingest baby there ever was.

Kurt's dad and sister visited this week with Monica's son, Ryan, who is 19 months. He's ADORABLE, totally delicious, as Mo would say. SO CUTE. And Anna loved him. Because we show her pictures all the time of our relatives who live farther away, she responded to them all immediately with recognition and excitement. She and Ryan spent the week chasing each other around the house and getting into everything, it was hilarious. I have a few good pictures, the kids were just amazing together.

They left yesterday and this morning and we were very sorry to see them go. It was just such a nice visit, lots of family time and watching the kids play together and enjoy their Opa. We'll get to see everyone again when we head to Chicago in late September, I can't wait!

And that's all for now. I'll post pictures from the visit as soon as I get a chance.


Anonymous said...

are they in grad school yet?

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan
I finally discover the we page for three of the most beautiful girls I know.
Even if the web page name is Anna & Silvia, I think you should include your name, Megan this is just wonderful, I love it, because if I were your daughter I will be so proud of what you are doing, you should print or somehow keep everything your are writing and give it to them when they turn 18 or something... because it's just lovely!!
Can I be your daughter?
Love you Megan!!!!