Monday, October 08, 2007

Oh, Poor Anna

Anna's been going nuts lately whenever Silvia gets within 10 feet of any toy Anna's playing with. She starts getting very defensive, "NO! Baby Silvia, that's my toy! No! Don't touch it! Give it back!"

All this she's yelling while Silvia is still sitting 10 feet away, drooling and chewing on her toes.

Today, she got a little too defensive, waving around and smacking the baby with a basket that she was trying to keep sacred.

I put her in time out, "No hitting", and put the basket away, "If you can't play nice, you can't play at all".

This is what I heard her self-narrating while in time-out:

"Oh, poor Anna. Mommy took the basket. Mommy took Anna's basket. No basket for Anna, poooooooor Anna. Oh, Anna's got a cold, *cough, cough*. Poor Anna. Anna's so sad and so sick."

Cry me a river, little one. Your ploys will not work on me! I am... Mommy with the Heart of Steel!

"Poor Anna.... *cough, cough*...sigh..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"poor anna. mommy took anna's basket. anna will take mommy's ring. or maybe mommy's diamond necklace. poor mommy. no diamonds. diamonds went down the potty. bye bye diamonds. can i have my basket back now? poor anna."