Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Anna was the littlest giraffe this year for her first time trick-or-treating. In fact, she loves the costume so much, she's still wearing it as a cape, calling it her "giraffe hat".

Trick-or-treating went pretty well, though she was a little intimidated at first. But then it suddenly hit her that these strangers were giving her candy, CANDY, and then she got excited. It was less than 30 degrees out last night, so we just took her up our cul de sac and back, but she collected a pretty good haul.

Once we got home, Anna put on her giraffe hat, with the rest of the costume trailing behind her like a cape, and greeted all the other trick-or-treaters at the door with a smile and loud, "Hi, KIDS!".
All in all, a perfect Halloween for everyone.
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