Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kiss Kiss

Silvia gives kisses. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever this week. We were all sitting on the floor playing this morning. Kurt and Silvia were cuddling and he said to her, "Can I have a kiss?" and she looked right at him, smiled and leaned in to his cheek with her lips parted making a little, "Aaah" noise. Adorable!

We thought it was just a fluke, but then I held her and asked for a kiss and she did the same thing!

She also says the baby version of, "All done!" when she's ready to get out of her high chair. She'll raise both hands, palms up and shrug, then say, "Aaaaa-daaa".

And the walking? The walking is, literally, on the move. She's taking several steps at a time now, all through the day, just because she can.

She'll be 1 in about 2 weeks, I'm not sure how it happened, but I think, I hope, we're ready.

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