Monday, November 21, 2005

All I Want for Christmas...

Is my two front teeth!  Or, in Anna’s case, one front tooth.  She’s finally, finally, finally got a tooth!  It just started popping through a few days ago, and this morning seems to have made it’s way through.  There’s just the tiniest edge of tooth on her lower gum, you have to look very closely to see it.  She doesn’t like when I try to feel it, I think the gums are still sore.  The other front lower tooth looks like it’s about to come through, to, so who knows?  Maybe she will get her two front teeth for Christmas!

Anna is really developing in leaps and bounds now.  Just a few moments ago, she finally managed to crawl!  Well, sort of… she went backwards and it was only for a few seconds, but still, progress is progress, so three cheers for Anna!  She is so close to the real thing, I keep watching her all day, so I won’t miss it.  She sits and turns her self all around, pulling her legs around her and reaching far over and balancing on her hands. She’s doing lots better with real people food, too, and seems to especially like all kinds of pasta, especially with her daddy’s famous tomato sauce on it. We’re also starting to realize how much of what we say to her she really understands.  I can say, “Clap, Anna!” and she’ll clap her hands, or I’ll say, “Shake, shake, shake!” and she’ll start shaking whatever’s in her hand.  If her hands are empty, she’ll start shaking and bopping herself.  She’s always drinking her sippy cup backwards, but if I tell her to turn it around, she understands and turns it around.  Her language is becoming clearer, too, and she mimics a lot of what we say and do, though no “mommy” yet.  I think she’s holding out for dramatic effect.  And that’s your Anna Update!

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