Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Anna's sizes

I keep getting questions about what Anna wants for her birthday and what size she is wearing now, so here it is.  Anything 12 months or above is good for clothes and hats, about 6-12 months for shoes and socks.  Pajamas are best when a bit bigger (she’s so long!), so 12-18 months is good, and the fleece ones with feet are best for this winter.  As for toys, she likes things that rattle and things that light up.  She is especially partial to books; board books, touch and feel books, picture books.  She likes her books in all shapes, sizes and colors.  Other than that, I can’t really think of anything else.  I’m still trying to decide what to get her myself.  I have found a great cake recipe, eggless and dairy-less, which comes out tasting yummy, so at least I don’t have to worry about that.  Thank you, Joy of Cooking!  (That translates into, “Thank you, mom!”, since she is the one who gave me the Joy of Cooking as a wedding present.)  E-mail me if you have any other questions. 

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